Audit of the photovoltaic installation Lealia Pedrosa 8.1 Mw

Location: Pollos (Valladolid)
Client: Desamerc Energy, S.L.

The purpose of the file is to analyze and report on the execution of the work corresponding to the photovoltaic plant project called FV Lealia Pedrosa 8.1MW located in the municipality of Pollos (Valladolid). The plant has an approximate area of 22 ha, where 3 central inverters with transformation center are located, two of 2,500kW and one of 3,125KW limited to 3,100KW, for a total power of 8,100kW (8.1MW).

The photovoltaic installation, of 8,100 kW (8.1MW) nominal, is composed of 27,144 photovoltaic modules of 340Wp, grouped in series of 29 modules, giving a peak power of 9,228.96 kWp. The material execution budget (PEM) of the installation is 3,261,871.52 €, excluding taxes.

