Expert studies of the paving works at the France train station

Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Client: Proforma

CSI writes a report for the company PROFORMA, in order to assess and analyze, from a purely technical perspective, the inappropriateness and lack of justification of the arguments put forward by HORMOTEC that support the claim included in the lawsuit filed against PROFORMA with which they signed a contract for the execution of the remodeling works of the floor of the Estación de França in Barcelona.

The report focuses on the analysis of the contract signed between the parties, the determination of the area of work actually contracted and that finally executed, the study of the correctness of the materials used and their suitability in accordance with the specifications and technical specifications of the manufacturer, the technical adequacy of the construction procedures and work modifications introduced as well as confirmation of the consistency in the chronology of the works described in the claim and the issuance of the various documents of the works. The claim is for an amount of €2,577,700.97.

