Judicial expert opinion UTE La Veredilla vs Altozano Illescas

Location: Toledo
Year: 2022
Client: Juzgado de Illescas, Toledo

CSI prepares an expert report requested by the Court of Illescas in Toledo, the purpose of which is to analyse the causes of the suspension of the urbanisation works of the industrial estate LA VEREDILLA II, located in the municipality of Illescas (Toledo), executed by the urbanisation agent «EL ALTOZANO DE ILLESCAS, S. L.» and claimed by the «UTE LA VEREDILLA II», formed by «SACYR S.A.U. and SUPERFICIES Y VIALES, S.A.», as well as to answer the questions asked by both parties.

This will involve confirming the correct execution of the work units stipulated in the project and valuing them economically, as well as identifying the work units that were left pending execution after the suspension and subsequent abandonment of the works by the construction company, as well as answering the specific questions formulated by both parties that will be developed later on.

Each of the parties claims an amount of 4,367,907.68 € from the UTE and 2,024,200.49 € from EL ALTOZANO, and CSI, after analysing all the documentation, makes proposals for the economic valuation of the claim applicable to each of the parties.

