Linear works (railways and roads)

Although most of the actions developed by CSI in linear works are limited to the field of geotechnics and structures, it also has a team specialized in this type of works and can provide advice and technical support in specific aspects of this type of works such as layout, roadbed modification, drainage, etc.

Among the most outstanding works we can include the following:

  • Technical reports on the improvement of the ground for the pile-driving under the M-50, in Madrid
  • the Project and Works Management of the semi-deep foundations for the track bed in the axle change shed in Cerbere (France)
  • Study of the foundations of the Barayo Viaduct (P.K. 6+500) of the Otur – Villapedre section of the A-8 Cantabrian Highway
  • Study of the interaction between the terrain, water mines and the future railway platform on the section: C14 – Constantí (Tarragona) road of the Mediterranean Corridor railway connection AVE line. Madrid – Barcelona – French Border

