Toledo Quadriplegic Hospital

Location: Toledo
Year: 2022
Client: Toledo Court

In 2007, work began on the renovation and extension of the Tetraplegic Hospital in Toledo, with the «UTE Hospital Parapléjicos de Toledo» being in charge of executing the works requested by the Castilla La Mancha Health Service (SESCAM).

During the execution of the works, numerous modifications were made and it was necessary to draw up a modified project and a complementary project, all of which were carried out by the same contractor.

The UTE requests the Court to have a judicial expert give a ruling on the temporary suspension of the works and the cost overruns which it claims from the Servicio De Salud De Castilla La Mancha (SESCAM). These cost overruns correspond to the indirect costs and overheads for the period claimed, amounting to €2,290,584.75, and CSI must uphold the validity of the claim, both in terms of time and amount.

