Water supply infrastructure projects
Location: España, Angola, Uzbekistán, Egipto, Omán, Australia, Ghana, Sri Lanka…
Year: 2010-Actuality
Client: Various companies (Tedagua, Aqualia, CYII, Elecnor, Emabesa, Arpo…)
CSI provides a specialized and quality service in the design and calculation of supply network works, including irrigation and regulation ponds, as well as reservoirs.
In this field, the services provided by CSI range from preliminary studies and appraisal reports to the development of construction projects and technical assistance to the works, defining in each case the required scope, with the relevant degree of detail, ranging from the study of sites and layouts at the preliminary project level, structural calculations, hydraulic calculations, design of singular details (special pieces), etc.
In this field, CSI has developed more than 20 projects at national and international level (Angola, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Oman, Australia, Ghana and Sri Lanka).